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eCampusOntario continues to expand its virtual learning impact across Indigenous communities

eCampusOntario is pleased to announce the addition of two new members to its consortium of postsecondary institutions, bringing its growing membership to 50. They are Seven Generations Education Institute (SGEI) and First Nations Technical Institute (FNTI). These institutions join eCampusOntario’s mission to promote accessibility, collaboration, and innovation in online and digital-by-design learning in Ontario. As part of the Ontario government’s Virtual Learning Strategy, these efforts enhance learner experience for students, support faculty development, and extend Ontario’s global reach.

“We are very proud and excited to welcome both Seven Generations Education Institute and First Nations Technical Institute as our newest members,” said Robert Luke, Ph.D, Chief Executive Officer of eCampusOntario. “We look forward to sharing our resources with and learning from both of these institutions. We share their commitment to meeting the needs of the present generation while looking ahead to future generations and educating learners in a way that will allow them to succeed in a modern world. To accomplish this, strong and inclusive online and technology-enabled learning is more important now than ever in helping students, staff and faculty succeed today and in the future.”

Seven Generations Education Institute (SGEI) is an education institute governed and led by ten First Nation communities which provides high school and postsecondary education, training for employment and cultural programming to all Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in the Treaty Three area and beyond. Founded in 1985, SGEI delivers education programming centering the needs of Anishinaabe students, knowing that in the current landscape this is best for all students. SGEI provides culturally enriched quality education to more than 20 communities across the Treaty Three area.

“Our partnership with eCampusOntario brings new possibilities for student support and engagement. The pandemic has determined how we engage students and continues to influence our operations and program delivery. This partnership will help our faculty meet our current student and community needs and, in the future, increase accessibility for our own programming to those in our area.” – Brent Tookenay, CEO, Seven Generations Education Institute

FNTI has delivered high quality postsecondary education and training rooted in Indigenous knowledge and culture to First Nation, Métis, and Inuit communities in Ontario and across Canada for 35 years. FNTI’s quick responses to the needs of students, communities and Indigenous organizations has given us the privilege of serving 112 Ontario communities and 189 nationally, strengthening and empowering individuals and communities.

“FNTI is pleased to be a member of eCampusOntario, supporting the evolution of online teaching and learning, and fostering innovation excellence on behalf of Indigenous students, faculty and communities. Our commitment to learner success drives our programming, policies and supports. We are continually evolving to facilitate sustainability, improvement, positive change and inclusivity for all learners. Our membership with eCampusOntario supports our values of ‘learning and sharing’ and provides students with increased access to technology enabled learning.” – Suzanne Brant, President, First Nations Technical Institute